Author Topic: Zero Tolerance for Poor Students  (Read 24038 times)

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Zero Tolerance for Poor Students
« on: Apr 30, 2013, 02:00 pm »
It has come to my understanding that a Boston University stage management student has abused the Personal Message and Email functions to spam professionals for help with their homework. I have gone into the database and hand-removed all of the PMs sent by the member in question, but I cannot undo the emails. (Note: I did a batch delete of all messages sent by the member in question in the past week. I did not read your PMs. I don't look at the content of PMs. I don't DO that.)

The account in question has been banned for six months and we are in the process of contacting the Boston University stage management faculty to ensure that their other students do not abuse the community again.

This is the second time that this has occurred in less than a month. The first time it was from a Florida Atlantic University student, who was also banned. Her professor was also notified. I understand that the prof contacted the head of the theatre department and has addressed the matter with the student in question.

It is our opinion that there are too many terrible stage management students. Those who plan poorly and do not spend time researching a venue's etiquette before jumping in should not be surviving the "final cut" to graduate into the business. We will not tolerate abuse of our professionals any further.

Therefore, I want to make it plain that any students who do not precisely follow our rules and procedures for stage management projects will be banned for a minimum six months immediately without warning. I will also personally reach out to the faculty at the school in question, as I have done previously, to ensure that the student is suitably penalized for abusing our site.
« Last Edit: Apr 30, 2013, 06:32 pm by PSMKay »