Author Topic: Server changes and upgrades in process  (Read 56049 times)

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Server changes and upgrades in process
« on: Jun 05, 2020, 06:48 pm »
Hi peeps!

I'm moving servers again, probably will do so twice within the next month or two. Expect periodic outages of a couple of days here and there. I've moved us to a temporary home on a cheap shared server while I tear down and rebuild the bigger production server that's housed us for years. Once the rebuild is done, I'll move us back.

Think of it like decamping to a hotel while contractors work on your house.

I'm doing some much needed upgrades on the forum software simultaneously.

On the plus side, the Search function is finally working again after a year!

On the minus side, several of the mods that have been used for many years are no longer compatible with the newest version of the software, so until I can crack open the code and fix it manually things will be a little barebones. BTDT and the Intern survey are both offline.

The "Thanks" feature has been replaced with a new one. Old "Thank you" tallies are not lost but are inaccessible at the moment. I'll try to figure out how to move them over at some point. There may be some other broken links like the Homework Help request form that just don't work while we're in our temporary home.

I figured it best to do it this way so you at least had something to look for the 4-6 weeks it will take for me to rebuild, even if it's a sort of hacky and slow server.

Many apologies for any bugs or weirdness. You should at least be able to read, post and search.
« Last Edit: Jun 05, 2020, 06:52 pm by PSMKay »


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Re: Server changes and upgrades in process
« Reply #1 on: Jun 26, 2020, 10:22 am »
Ok if you're seeing this post we're on the new server. (Well, the old server that I rebuilt and moved us back to.)

It's taking some time for the DNS changes to propagate. People using slower internet providers will see a closed version of the site in "Maintenance Mode". Depending on where you connect (home, work, Starbucks wiki, etc.) you may see the old or the new version of the site for a few days.

I've decided to put the Internship survey out to pasture since during its entire lifespan we only got about 80 reviews. BTDT is working although there may be some bugs. The mobile version should be working although I may switch us to a different theme that's responsive by default so we don't have to use that wonky grey one anymore. Or I may finally bite the bullet and make my own theme, we'll see. :)

