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Accidents, Emergencies and Safety

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While these evac procedures are specific to our venue--a stage in a high school gym--we developed it using various SMs' suggestions, SM books, and input from our local fire marshal.  Copies of this are always posted in the wings and distributed to everyone who has evacuation responsibilities.  The SM keeps a copy readily visible in the plastic cover on the prompt script--wherein are kept all the personnel rosters for roll-call purposes outside the building.

This is the emergency contact form I use.  Feel free to take and change for your individual purposes.
If a performer or crew member has a birthday during rehearsals or the run of the show, I'll get them a treat, thus the "Favorite candy" blank.

MS Word format.

Here is one that I just used. One of the things I like is the check boxes if the actor wants to keep certain info off the contact sheet.

i thought i would put my form up

Mine too.


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