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Topics - Trak26

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Worked on a amateur musical recently where a lighting and sound company came into provide services. They provided lighting, sound and followspot operators as part of the deal. What surprised me was that I was told that as the lighting desk was programed for all the cues, the lighting operator would call their own cues and that of the followspot operators. That the lighting operator prefered to call the show as it was boring for them sitting up there pressing a go button and all they really needed from me was when to start and finish the show.
Has anyone else had this happen?
I can say I was a bit miffed because to me it has never been about pressing go but making everything flow together. Plus I was not sure I wanted to be listed as SM for the selfish reason if the cues went askew I would be the one blamed for not getting it right.
It led me to think about the role of SM in the performance space as more and more becomes automated, when multiple complex lighting cues can be achieved with a simple push of the button and whether the role of SM is changing.
I have to admit I have been out of the professional sphere for some time so these changes may just be flowing down to some amateur groups. Interested to hear what everyone thinks.

Edit to subject-Rebbe

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