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Topics - JenniferEver

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I've been working on showcases in NYC and now I've encountered an issue.

The costume designer for this show keeps trying to run it like an equity contract. I've never done a contract show, just many showcases. The designer supplied the actors with t shirts, socks, etc. The actors are now asking about laundry. I have NO idea how to handle this because I've never been invlved in a situation in which we've provided undergarments or been expected to launder them. Everyone seems to think it's my responsibility. I don't really feel that it is. I have 2 PA's. but to let them in to get the laundry I'd have to take the hour trip to the theatre anyway.

Thoughts? Also, how often does this need to be done?

The Hardline / AEA Deputy selection process
« on: Dec 03, 2006, 09:43 am »
I'm a non AEA SM, but I work on a lot of showcases. Oddly enough, every showcase I've ever done has already chosen their deputy before I came on to the project.

How do you typically run a deputy selection? Do all of the non AEA members have to leave the room? Do the non-equity actors also leave?

Who do they report their deputy selection to?

I was talking to a friend who has done some work producing in NYC and he told me that it's a good thing I don't plan to be a career SM because  don't have the necessary technical skills. He said the SM should be able to do every technical job there is and that even if the show I just finished does go OB, I'll never be hired because I don't have the skills. Admittedly, I am not extremely technical, but I'm learning. I can run lights and sound..but I don't really know that much. I had to so minor rigging and set up and breakdown, but I found help for that. In general, I don't really want a job where I have to hang lights or put together a set because I have a bad back and I just can't do that kind of stuff. I'm just wondering what kind of skills you really need, and how to make up for what I lack. I'm working on festivals right now, and in both I have to run boards, but that's about it. I don't really know how to do rigging or focus lights, and I'm frankly not comfortable on a high ladder and I'm not a whiz with power tools.

but I have very good organizational skills, I have a can-do attitude, whatever the problem is, I find I way to fix it. Whatever I don't know how to do, I ask for help and/or I figure it out. I am very level headed and I love calling a show and dealing with day to day issues.

But am I in the wrong profession? How important is tech skill?

I'm used to calling a show physicallyt and completely non-verbally because of the set up at my college. How do you verbally call a sound cue that is supposed to be the end of music..for example if you're playing a song and it has to fade out or get cut off at a specific you just call it as a sound cue

Music on : Sound B GO
Music off : Sound C GO

I just feel like calling it vebally would be hard to get it to cut off in the right place and to hear me and the music?

The Hardline / Changing professions
« on: Jul 12, 2006, 12:40 am »
I'm just starting out as a SM, but what I really want to do is direct (I sound like a broken record). I'm looking at soem ASM gigs which could lead to an AEA card. My question is, say I decide to do some acting and I am in AEA as an SM, am I an Equity actor (as in restricted from doing community stuff, etc)? Also, more importantly, if I join AEA, and then move to directing, will provisions in my equity membership prevent me from directing non-union shows? There's some proviso about respecting other unions (totally my paraphrase) and I don't know if that would mean I'd have to do only SSDC shows, or only equity shows, or what? If that's true, I really should NOT join AEA, because then my Directing career would be DOA. I'd have to somehow join SSDC and only do union shows, but who would hire a novice on only union shows?

I'm really new to this so I'm trying to figure out all of the implications

How are line notes usually given?

In college we always gave line notes verbally after the director's notes.

On this site I've seen paper forms for giving line notes. Is that the norm?

With the show I've just started working on now, the director walks aroudn the room and gives individual notes, so I've been sort of doing the same with line notes simultaneously to not take up too much time.

What is usually done?

College and Graduate Studies / Summer Festivals/Unpaid work
« on: Jun 30, 2006, 12:28 pm »
I got a job SMing a show for a summer festival in NYC.

The pay is really low. For a month of work, it's about the cost of transportation for the month I'll be working on the show plus maybe a week of groceries.

My mom has a HUGE problem with this, of course.

I'm just out of college. I guess what I'm asking is what is the value of doing summer theatre, or other shows for little or no pay. Is it good experience that can build a resume, or is it along the same lines as college work?

Will putting these jobs on a resume lead to paying jobs?

(I'm sorry if there's already a post on this topic. I'm sure there is, but I tried to search and I couldn't find what I was looking for with multiple queries)

Employment / What to wear/bring to a SM interview or other tips
« on: Jun 28, 2006, 05:54 pm »
I'm a recent college graduate. Tomorrow I have my first interview for an SM position. I'm really not sure what to wear or bring to the interview and what kind of questions may be asked. ANY tips would be appreciated.

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