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Messages - Q the Snake

Pages: [1]
The Green Room / Re: The Stage Manager's Nightmare
« on: May 21, 2015, 12:26 am »
Every show I have the same type of nightmare: everything's going great, then it all falls apart. Props go missing, scene changes don't happen, suddenly the entire stage is set up differently, actors aren't where they should be, I'm SEEN by the audience...*shudders*...and it usually happens during tech, when the only thing I need is more stress...
Though I have had dreams where my director suddenly announces that we're redoing a show from five years ago, that night, and I'm supposed to be ready and remember everything...spoiler alert-I don't.

Tools of the Trade / Act Like A Hazer?
« on: May 20, 2015, 07:09 pm »
Hello. I am a SM at a small theater. We have a VERY low budget, so even the cheapest hazer fogger I can find isn't an option. What we do have is your average fog machine. While the spurts of fog I get out of it are great, in the past there have been some scenes that could really have benefitted from a hazing. Does anyone have any idea how to make a normal fog machine act like a hazer? I've gotten some success from blowing the stage fog as it's spit out, but am fresh out of ideas. Thanks  :D

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