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Messages - John Zachary Wells

Pages: [1]
Does anyone have an E-Script for Legally Blonde? Please PM me

Tools of the Trade / Re: Bullet Journal
« on: Nov 15, 2013, 03:01 pm »
The Bullet System feels a little to disjointed to me. It's great in practice for small matters but as things get more complex and information constantly changes and shift I feel like it wouldn't provide enough information. I may have to try it and see how it works in practice.

KMC, How did it go? Did the system work for you?

When I looked a few years ago I looked for the opportunity to take classes in lighting, sound, carpentry, costumes, etc and with that the experience to work on a crew for those disciplines. Having that strong of a background really helps you out in the long run.

Tools of the Trade / Re: Arc Customizable Notebooks
« on: Nov 15, 2012, 09:34 pm »
I personally love the arc notebooks. Buying the special hole punch really makes it worth it. You can then design your own calenders and assignment calenders and have them put in a nice notebook.

Tools of the Trade / Re: Do you prefer Word or Excel?
« on: Nov 15, 2012, 09:31 pm »
Both are good. It depends on the job you need done.

Tools of the Trade / Re: Discussing drills
« on: Nov 15, 2012, 09:30 pm »
I have a Makita and I love it. Also look for deals, Makita had a great deal going on when I bought mine where I also got an extra battery and extra charger.

Tools of the Trade / Re: Favorite Bag
« on: Sep 26, 2012, 09:31 pm »
I currently have the "Bag of Holding" but It isn't big enough so I am thinking of upgrading to a Timbuck2 bag.

Students and Novice Stage Managers / Summer Internship for 2012
« on: Dec 18, 2011, 09:20 pm »
Hello Everyone!

I am trying to find an internship for this summer, Either near the Cleveland area or one that houses would be preferred. Ive looked around and having minimal luck. Thanks for your help everyone!

Merry Christmas,
John Zachary Wells

In High school I found it was easier to be like a parent. You want to keep the discipline but you want them to respect you because they want to, not because they have to. 

I keep all my prompt books.. I like to hold on to them. But If it starts getting to be to many prompt books and you still want to keep them you could always scan them and easily have all the paperwork in case you need it. 

Students and Novice Stage Managers / Re: College Questions
« on: Jan 11, 2011, 08:14 am »
I'm currently in the process of applying as well. Actually two of your schools are the same as mine, I have applied to Cincinnati Conservatory of Music, DePaul and Webster. When do you interview?

Students and Novice Stage Managers / Re: Portfolio?
« on: Jan 06, 2011, 02:08 pm »
Ive just finished all my portfolio stuff for college. For me its all paperwork. I would also recommend that you add some creativity in. No one just wants to see a three ring binder filled with forms.

College and Graduate Studies / Re: Best schools for SM.
« on: Jan 11, 2010, 02:09 pm »
Thank You so Much for all your Help. This article really helped me out. Thanks

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